The 31 Day Journey to Peace is meant to give you a daily roadmap to bring peace to your life.  It is a very simple process.  A different step every day to take you to balance, harmony and ease. You will be taking yourself toward that state of being one small step at a time.  Enjoy the journey…

+ Day 1

Before you go to sleep tonight take 10 full breaths with your eyes closed. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your lips.

Try to do it slowly and gently. Ease yourself into a state of relaxation.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 2

Tonight, before you go to sleep, take 10 full breaths sitting up, with your back straight. Put one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen. As you inhale, the hand on the abdomen should rise more than the hand on the chest. As you exhale, slowly bring your abdomen in to exhale as much air as possible. Focus on your breath, breathing in through your nose and out through the lips, slowly and gently. Ease yourself into a state of relaxation.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 3

When you wake up today, take ten breaths with your eyes closed, sitting up with a straight back. Place one hand on your chest and one on your abdomen, the way you did the night before. Focus on your breath and the beauty of being alive today. Feel the calmness with which you will start your day today. Enjoy your day...

Tonight, before you go to sleep, do the same, and as you focus on your breath, focus on the beauty of your breath and in gratitude feel the life force within you. Ease yourself into a state of relaxation and gratitude.

Sweet dreams...

+ Day 4

Today, let it be a day of giving. A small gesture, but with a tremendous impact. Please take a bag, it can be whatever kind of bag you choose. Fill it with items that a person in need could use. It can be food, a toothbrush and toothpaste, or maybe even writing materials, or all of the above. Fill it with whatever YOUR heart desires to give. Then take it with you when you leave your house. Give it to a homeless person or any person in need. My only request is that you give it to a stranger, someone you don't know. If you're sick and can't leave the house, fill it and give it to someone else to pass it on for you. You will both benefit from this...

Also, continue today with your 10 breaths in the morning and your ten breaths in the evening. Let them help you begin your day in peace and end your day in gratitude…

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 5

Let's lift someone's spirit today. Without going out of your way to do so, say something unexpectedly nice to someone. It may be someone you know and love, or it may be a stranger in a store. But it has to be genuine. Meaning, you must mean it. For example, if you see someone who is wearing a dress you like, tell them how pretty their dress is. If you don't think the dress is pretty, then don't say it. Above all, be genuine in what you say...

Also continue today with your 10 breaths in the morning and your ten breaths in the evening. Let them help you begin your day in peace and end your day with gratitude…

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 6

The past couple of days have been about making a difference in someone else. Today, take at least 90 minutes for yourself. What would you like to do with those 90 minutes? What would make your heart full? Only you know what that is. It can be as simple as sitting with a cup of tea or coffee on the beach or a park. Be kind to yourself today...

Also continue today with your 10 breaths in the morning and your ten breaths in the evening. Let them help you begin your day in peace and end your day with gratitude…

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 7

We are adding one more step to your breaths today. When you wake up, take 10 full breaths sitting up, with your back straight. Put one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen. As you inhale slowly through your nose, the hand on the abdomen should rise more than the hand on the chest. At the end of your inhalation, take a moment to pause before you begin your exhalation. As you exhale slowly through your lips, gently bring your abdomen in to exhale as much air as possible. Focus on your breath and the beauty of being alive today. Be aware of how important you are. Feel the calmness with which you will start your day today.

Enjoy your day...

Tonight, before you go to sleep, do the same, and as you focus on your breath, focus on the beauty of your breath and in gratitude feel the life force within you. Be aware of all the miracles you witnessed today. Ease yourself into a state of relaxation and gratitude.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 8

As you take your breaths this morning, make sure that you have your eyes gently closed, if you haven't been doing so already. Take 10 full breaths sitting up, with your back straight. Place your palms in your lap with the right palm supporting the left one and facing the sky and your thumbs gently touching each other. As you inhale slowly through your nose, the abdomen should rise more than the chest. At the end of your inhalation, take a moment to pause before you begin your exhalation. As you exhale slowly through your lips, gently bring your abdomen in to exhale as much air as possible. Focus on your breath and the beauty of being alive today. Focus on this moment in time with every breath. Feel the calmness with which you will start your day today...

Enjoy you day...

Tonight, before you go to sleep, do the same, and as you focus on your breath, focus on the beauty of your breath and in gratitude feel the life force within you. Focus on this moment in time and how safe you are. Ease yourself into a state of relaxation and gratitude. As you do, take time to give thanks for at least one specific moment of today.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 9

Today, be aware of using the word "should". Stop for a moment when you find yourself saying or thinking it, and try to replace it with "need to", "have to" or "want to". If you can't replace it, then why are you doing it? You have no desire in whatever that is. If your heart isn't in it, then don't. Try to eliminate "should" from your vocabulary today. Allow "you" to be genuine.

Begin and end your day with 10 breaths and intentions as yesterday, in this way-

As you take your breaths this morning, make sure that you have your eyes gently closed, if you haven't been doing so already. Take 10 full breaths sitting up, with your back straight. Place your palms in your lap with the right palm supporting the left one and facing the sky and your thumbs gently touching each other. As you inhale slowly through your nose, the abdomen should rise more than the chest. At the end of your inhalation, take a moment to pause before you begin your exhalation. As you exhale slowly through your lips, gently bring your abdomen in to exhale as much air as possible. Focus on your breath and the beauty of being alive today. Focus on this moment in time with every breath. Feel the calmness with which you will start your day today...

Enjoy you day...

Tonight, before you go to sleep, do the same, and as you focus on your breath, focus on the beauty of your breath and in gratitude feel the life force within you. Focus on this moment in time and how safe you are. Ease yourself into a state of relaxation and gratitude. As you do, take time to give thanks for at least one specific moment of today.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 10

Trying to not sound repetitive, but what you did yesterday, in all ways is so important, it needs to be repeated today. Let yourself settle into a life without "should".

Today, be aware of using the word "should". Stop for a moment when you find yourself saying or thinking it, and try to replace it with "need to", "have to" or "want to". If you can't replace it, then why are you doing it? You have no desire in whatever that is. If your heart isn't in it, then don't. Try to eliminate "should" from your vocabulary today. Allow "you" to be genuine.

As you take your breaths this morning, make sure that you have your eyes gently closed, if you haven't been doing so already. Take 10 full breaths sitting up, with your back straight. Place your palms in your lap with the right palm supporting the left one and facing the sky and your thumbs gently touching each other. As you inhale slowly through your nose, the abdomen should rise more than the chest. At the end of your inhalation, take a moment to pause before you begin your exhalation. As you exhale slowly through your lips, gently bring your abdomen in to exhale as much air as possible. Focus on your breath and the beauty of being alive today. Focus on this moment in time with every breath. Feel the calmness with which you will start your day today...

Enjoy your day...

Tonight, before you go to sleep, do the same, and as you focus on your breath, focus on the beauty of your breath and in gratitude feel the life force within you. Focus on this moment in time and how safe you are. Ease yourself into a state of relaxation and gratitude. As you do, take time to give thanks for at least two specific moments of today.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 11

Today would be a good day to get in touch with someone you love, who you haven't talked to in a while. Maybe you've just let time pass by, but take a moment to call them. Texting doesn't count. It's important that you talk to them and tell them how much you love them. Don't call because you should, call because you want to... Feel the power of love...

Continue with your morning breaths and evening breaths as you have for the past two days. Please do those faithfully. Don't underestimate the power they have in this process. For your convenience, they are below as a reference.

As you take your breaths this morning, make sure that you have your eyes gently closed, if you haven't been doing so already. Take 10 full breaths sitting up, with your back straight. Place your palms in your lap with the right palm supporting the left one and facing the sky and your thumbs gently touching each other. As you inhale slowly through your nose, the abdomen should rise more than the chest. At the end of your inhalation, take a moment to pause before you begin your exhalation. As you exhale slowly through your lips, gently bring your abdomen in to exhale as much air as possible. Focus on your breath and the beauty of being alive today. Focus on this moment in time with every breath. Feel the calmness with which you will start your day today...

Enjoy your day...

Tonight, before you go to sleep, do the same, and as you focus on your breath, focus on the beauty of your breath and in gratitude feel the life force within you. Focus on this moment in time and how safe you are. Ease yourself into a state of relaxation and gratitude. As you do, take time to give thanks for at least two specific moments of today.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 12

Acceptance vs. expectations is the focus for today. Allow yourself to accept events today as they come to you. Release any kind of expectation. Observe yourself when expecting someone to behave the way YOU want them to. Consciously stop yourself and truly make an effort to accept them for who they are and what their choices are. Apply this to all situations today with awareness. In the same way you let go of "should", let go of expectations and allow yourself to accept others and life events as they develop. Enjoy the surprises that will come up and the simplicity of being open to life.

As you take your 10 breaths this morning, with your eyes gently closed, check that you are sitting up, with your back straight but relaxed. Place your palms in your lap with the right palm supporting the left one and facing the sky and your thumbs gently touching each other. As you inhale slowly through your nose, the abdomen should rise more than the chest. At the end of your inhalation, take a moment to pause before you begin your exhalation. As you exhale slowly through your lips, gently bring your abdomen in to exhale as much air as possible. Focus on accepting this moment in time with every breath. Feel the calmness with which you will start your day today...

Enjoy your day...

Tonight, before you go to sleep, do the same, and as you focus on your breath, focus on the beauty of acceptance. Ease yourself into a state of relaxation and gratitude. As you do, take time to give thanks for at least two specific moments of today in which you were able to release all expectations and accept. Feel the freedom that comes with it...

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 13

The one constant in this process has been your 10 breaths in the morning and in the evening. You now know how to breathe the way your body is intended to breathe and with it your body relaxes and releases stress.

In the morning, before you begin your 10 breaths today, think of 3 reasons to be grateful. Then begin your breaths. Feel the difference gratitude makes in you as you finish your breaths.

Give yourself at least 90 minutes today to do something which your heart really wants. It's your choice. Be kind to yourself without any sense of guilt. It's important that you love yourself and honor who you are. Try to go through your day with ease in that love. Enjoy your day...

Tonight, before you begin your breaths, think over your day and 3 reasons on this day for which you're grateful. Let your sleep be filled with gratitude and love for all you are and all you are blessed with.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 14

A brand new week and a brand new day. Take a moment this morning to be grateful for 3 things about yourself. There is no right or wrong answer to this. It's personal, and as such, only you know what those are.

Then, begin your ten breaths today in gratitude for you and who you are. As you inhale and exhale be aware of the miracle of your body. Make a point today to be aware of any self criticism. If you find that you are putting yourself down mentally, shift the thought. If you find yourself saying it out loud, shift the thought. Make a point of being as kind to yourself, as you would be to a small child. You deserve no less than that.

Enjoy your day...

Tonight, before you begin your 10 breaths, mentally go over your day and bring to mind 3 moments today for which you are grateful that you are you. While having your ten breaths, let your awareness settle in that gratitude and allow your body and mind to relax.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 15

I hope you found out yesterday just how remarkable you are. Today, I want you to take that remarkable being a step further.

Go through your day with personal excellence. No matter what you do, do it to the best of your ability, without comparing yourself with anyone. Bring your genuine self into everything you do. Even in your "hello, how are you" to others, mean it. Only you can give what you have to give, in the way you and only you, would give it. Know, that the world around you is a better place as a result.

Continue your 10 breaths this morning. Between your inhalation and exhalation pause and let the gratitude for "you" settle in to every breath. Let the understanding of the importance of you, be part of you, without a doubt as you start your day.
Enjoy your day...

Tonight, before you begin your breaths, go over the day in your mind. Recall 3 moments in which you felt personal excellence in what you were doing. Allow gratitude to settle in, for the ability to perform the way you do, in being you. Begin the 10 breaths, breathing in through your nose, pause in humble gratitude, and exhale through the lips. Let your sleep be filled with love for the being that you are and gratitude for being you.
Sweet dreams…

+ Day 16

Although I seem to be focusing on the other aspects of your days, please know how important it is to continue to take the time for your 10 breaths in the morning and at night. It's that moment with the breath, which will continue to make a difference in you, no matter what your days are like.

This morning, before you begin, say "thank you" out loud. Let the meaning of those words settle into the space between your inhalations and exhalations and permeate every cell in your body as you take the ten breaths.

Enjoy your day...

"Compare" is the word for today. As your day unfolds today, catch yourself comparing, mentally as well as out loud. Shift your thoughts when this happens. Let your personal excellence take over any thought of comparing. What other people do or have, is of no consequence to you. Be aware of what you need, not what you think you should have or be. Live from your heart, not from fear of lacking, and watch how that energy will give to you what your heart wants. Be willing and ready to receive it. Allow yourself to receive.

Tonight, before you begin your breaths, think of 3 things for which your personal excellence opened the door for you to receive. Again, out loud say "thank you". Let the meaning of those words settle into the space between your inhalations and exhalations and permeate every cell in your body as you take the ten breaths. Let your sleep be filled with gratitude and love for who you are.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 17

You have become aware of comparing... Now, I would like you to be aware of complaining; mentally as well as out loud. When you find yourself complaining, shift your thoughts. Focus on what you have, not what you don't have. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude.
Before you begin your breaths this morning, say "thank you" silently. Greet today with those words. Let them settle in the space between your inhalations and exhalations.

Enjoy your day...

Tonight, think of 3 moments today in which you were totally present. As you breathe, be aware of the present moment of each breath during all 10 breaths. Let gratitude settle in for all you have and all you are at this moment in time.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 18

On to the third "C" which troubles the mind. Control.

Today, allow your 10 breaths to just happen with your eyes closed. As you're breathing, observe how your body is naturally breathing without any guidance whatsoever. Feel the freedom in letting the breaths flow in their natural state.

Enjoy your day...

Trying to control situations and people can be a source of stress. Today, be aware of your need to control. Be open to the way other people may think a situation, project or challenge can be performed or resolved. Be open to allowing those close to you to go through their day today, without trying to tell them how. When you feel the need to "take over" or "advise", let it go and shift your thoughts to allowing others to grow. Watch them blossom and feel the freedom it will not only give them, but you as well.

Before beginning your 10 breaths tonight, take a moment to recall an instance in which you released your need to control today. How did it feel? The lightness that comes with allowing others to grow will have a very beautiful effect for all involved. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have opened the space for peace in your life today. Be grateful.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 19

This morning allow your 10 breaths to just happen with your eyes closed. As you're breathing, observe how your body is naturally breathing without any guidance whatsoever. Feel the freedom in letting the breaths flow in their natural state. Be aware of how much your breath has become a source of ease in the past couple of weeks. Be grateful.

You have become familiar with "compare", "complain" and "control". The last of the 4 "c's" is "criticize". Today be aware of any criticism which comes up in your mind. Be aware of any need to criticize yourself or others. When this happens, shift your thoughts.

Deliberately turn away from that and turn your thoughts toward finding the good instead of the bad. Build up, don't tear down. You have a choice. Exercise that choice in coming from a place of love instead of fear of lacking. You and everyone around you are doing the best you can. Be kind. Above all be grateful.

Enjoy your day.

Tonight, before you begin your 10 breaths, take a moment to recall an instance in which you refrained from criticizing and shifted your thoughts and attitude. How did it feel? The love that comes with allowing yourself and others to be just the way they/you are, will shift your perspective to the importance of being genuine. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have opened the space for love in your life today. Be grateful.

Sweet dreams…

+ Day 20

I have to take a moment to talk about what you've been doing for the past 4 days. You have uncovered the "4 C's" - compare, complain, control and criticize. I hope you take seriously the negative impact they have in your life. Being mindful of them in your day to day dealings will have a beautiful effect on your life. Let go of them as much as you can. Some days will be easier than others. That's ok. The first step is being aware of them and the impact they have on your life. Allow yourself to come from your heart and not from a place of fear of lacking. Being everyone's best friend is not the point. Knowing that we are all different and respecting these differences is the key. On the other hand, being your own best friend is the point and even more key. Follow your intuition and do what makes you whole and gives you peace.

This morning allow your 10 breaths to just happen with your eyes closed. As you're breathing, observe how your body is naturally breathing. Feel the freedom of allowing the breath to flow effortlessly. Be aware of how much your breath has become a source of ease in the past few of weeks. Be grateful.

Today, be aware of your connection with everyone you meet, strangers or friends. Before you say anything to them, mentally say "the light which shines in me is the same light which shines in you". Be genuine in thought. It might be the checker at the grocery store, or one of your family members. Be aware of that connection. Know that you are connected to every being on this planet. Know that the same love that is you is also them.

Enjoy your day...

Tonight, I think you will find your day in review will be quite remarkable. Go over your day and how people reacted to you today after or during your mental message to them. How did you feel? The difference your intention made in others today made life around you much better for everyone. Let your ten breaths flow effortlessly. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have opened the space for ease in your life today. Be grateful.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste-the light which shines in me is also the light which shines in you.

+ Day 21

Think of three people who have had a big influence in your life, and to whom you are very grateful. Think of the ways in which they influenced you. As you take your ten breaths let gratitude settle in your every breath. Take your breaths effortlessly.

Enjoy your day...

Go a step further and write a gratitude letter to one of those people. Tell them how they have influenced you and how that has affected your life. Speak from your heart. This is especially powerful if it is written to someone whom you don't think you have thanked properly. Then either mail the letter to them, or even better, call them and read it to them. Let the love for them be expressed in gratitude.

Before you begin your ten breaths tonight, let the love and gratitude expressed in that letter fill you heart. Feel the power of love and gratitude as they go hand in hand. There is nothing that can match it. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have opened the space for love in your life today. Be grateful.

Sweet dreams…

Namaste-the love which is in me, is the love which is in you.

+ Day 22

Continue with your 10 breaths this morning. Before you start them, know that all who you met yesterday were doing the best they could, in the best way they knew how. Including you. As you breathe, give thanks for who you are and where you are. You are blessed.

Enjoy your day...

Is there someone that you haven't talked to because you had a falling out? Would you like to talk to them? If so, it's time to mend fences. Call them and extend your hand in friendship. Remember that holding on to grudges only hurts the person holding them. Try to mend a friendship fence today, and feel the lightness set in for you and them. Come from a place of love and not of fear.

If you were able to mend a fence of friendship let that feeling of love settle in to every cell of your body as you take your ten breaths tonight. If your weren't able to, mentally speak the words you would have said, if you had the chance. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have opened a space of love for someone else. In doing so you have opened a place of serenity for yourself.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste - the light which shines in me is also the light that shines in you.

+ Day 23

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.-Christopher K. Germer We had the 4 C's to release. Now it's time for the C to keep always-Compassion. Compassion is key to leading a complete life. It needs to start with compassion for yourself. In releasing all the negative chatter for ourselves, we open the door to a place of compassion, love and kindness. We open ourselves to rest in our hearts. Then the doors and windows of our hearts can open to compassion and love for those around us. We are complete...

As you begin your ten breaths today, think of 3 ways in which you will be compassionate with yourself. As you perform your breaths allow your intention to settle into the breaths and every cell of your body.

Enjoy your day...

Be aware of your intention to be compassionate with yourself and be mindful of doing so today.

Tonight, go over your day in your mind. Go over how it felt to be compassionate with yourself. Let that feeling settle in your heart. As you take your breaths, breathe in with gratitude and as you breathe out, breathe out with love. Let only those thoughts be with you as you take your breaths. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have opened a space to take care, nourish and love yourself unconditionally; with compassion.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste-the place for compassion in me, is also the place for compassion in you.

+ Day 24

Today take your ten breaths in as peaceful and serene environment as you can. Then close your eyes and do the following meditation. First visualize yourself and say silently or out loud- May you be healthy and strong. May you have peace in your mind, body and heart. May you be loved and love with an open heart. May you have balance, harmony and ease in everything you do. May your light shine brightly.

Secondly, visualize a loved one and repeat those words or similar sentiments in your own words.

Thirdly visualize someone you don't know very well and do the same.

After that visualize someone you don't like and wish them well in the same way.

Lastly, visualize our planet and all of these people and the rest of the beings all over the world and either repeat the words or wish for us what you would like to see.

Fully invest yourself in this meditation. Then, sit quietly for a few minutes before you get up.

Enjoy your day.

Tonight follow the same procedure you did this morning; beginning with the breaths and followed by the meditation. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge you have opened your heart fully to this amazing life of ours.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste-that place of unconditional love in me, is the same place of unconditional love in you.

+ Day 25

As you sit to practice your 10 breaths this morning, be aware of how blessed you are. think of three reasons you are blessed. With every breath let the miracle of those blessings be with you.

Enjoy your day...

It's a day of counting blessings. Do not let an opportunity get by you, no matter how small it is, to see the blessing it is. Where the focus goes, is where the energy goes. Focus on those little miracles around you and you will create more miracles. Your breath alone is a form of miracle, if you take the time to really see how incredible the process is.

Before taking your ten breaths tonight, think of three different miracles which you were blessed with today. Let the beauty of them settle into every breath. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you are blessed and have made the space for more blessings.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste-the miracle I am, is also the miracle you are.

+ Day 26

As you sit today for your ten breaths, be aware of receiving the breaths as you're inhaling and also be aware of sharing the breaths as you're exhaling. Practice receiving and giving your breaths with a full heart. Enjoy your day...

The cycle of breathing is one of giving and receiving of much importance to us, but also to our planet as a whole. Your breath makes a difference to you as you receive and nourish. Without it you couldn't survive. But think of the importance of your exhalation. Without it the plant life around you would not survive. Our interdependence is a vital process of survival through receiving and giving. We have all studied this in school somewhere along the way, but have we realized our true importance in simply breathing? Take moments throughout your day today to be with your breath, knowing the difference the cycle makes; a cycle that would not be possible without you. Go outside and kick off your shoes in the grass, dirt or sand and ground yourself with the earth below you. Feel how much a part of it you are. Be aware of the miracles of life and your part in that.

Tonight, go over how your feet felt touching the ground below you, with the knowledge of the connection and the importance of you in this world. While practicing your ten breaths, do so with full awareness of the importance of receiving.

In life, without receiving, giving would not be possible; not just in breathing. Unless we are open to receiving we have nothing to give. Invite and accept blessings to fill your being. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you are important to this world and have made the space for receiving.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste- the importance of my being, is the same importance of your being.

+ Day 27

As you get ready to take your 10 breaths this morning, sit silently and bring your awareness to your thoughts. Don't try to change them, just be aware of them, and observe them as they come and as they go. Observe your mind with the mind in your heart, without judgement, simply watch the thoughts come and go. As you start your breaths, visualize and try to feel the breaths coming in through your heart and as you exhale feel the breaths leaving through your heart. Let the focus go from the thoughts to the breath. Be grateful.

Enjoy your day...

Take time to be with your thoughts throughout the day. Simply observe them in the way you did this morning. As you observe them, try not to judge them, just watch them as they come and go. Notice how once you drop judgement, and observe as if you are a third person, your thoughts no longer have an effect on you. Take it a step further and choose to change your perspective on a thought which might be causing you distress. Shifting perspective without judgement will free you of any expectation or worries and allow you to accept what is, in a way you may not have before. The moment you release your emotional expectations, you release yourself and others and the energy becomes simple and free.

BE KIND TO YOURSELF TONIGHT. As you sit down for your ten breaths, think of all the thoughts you observed today. Label them. Know that no matter what the label is, it's ok. Love yourself unconditionally through those thoughts, and in that way you can experience that unconditional love with others. It all begins from within.
In gratitude and compassion for the being that you are, begin your ten breaths and visualize the inhalation through your heart and as you exhale feel the breath leaving through your heart. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that your thoughts are not who you are, and that you have made the space for compassion and love. Be grateful.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste- the love in me is beyond thoughts, in the same way the love in you is.

+ Day 28

As I'm writing this today I am thinking of all the processes we have been through this month. Each day, I have tried to give you a different perspective in a different way. The one constant that hasn't varied has been taking time for your daily breaths. I can't stress enough the importance of the breath. It will take you within and will guide you to find your own answers as you need them.

Today sit with your back straight, your neck straight and your eyes gently closed. Place your palms in your lap with the right palm supporting the left palm and the thumbs gently touching each other. As you breathe in, breathe in through your nose and as you breathe out, breathe our through your lips. Don't try to control the breath, just let it flow with ease. Now, I want you to visualize and not just in your mind's eye, but "feel" the breath coming in though your heart as you're breathing in and as you're breathing out, feel it leaving through your heart. Continue to breathe through your heart and feel the continuous flow of energy passing through your heart. As you breathe in, breathe in with love and as you breathe out share that love. As you breathe in, think of someone you love and as you breathe out feel yourself sharing your love with them with the breath out. As you continue to breathe, feel free to bring other people whom you love to mind and do the same with them in mind. If you feel like having more than 10 breaths today, by all means do so. As you finish your breaths, visualize giving those breaths to yourself in love and with compassion. Feel the peace and balance that comes with allowing yourself to feel that love. Sit silently with your eyes closed once you're finished and allow the process to settle in every cell of your body and mind. There is no goal here. Just be.

Enjoy your day...

Some time during the day today, breathe through your heart. You don't have to close your eyes, if it's not possible to do so.

Tonight, be aware of how breathing through your heart has made you feel for the past two days. In gratitude and with full intention practice your ten breaths in the same way you did this morning. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you love and you are loved.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste- the love that lies in my heart, is the same love which lies in yours.

+ Day 29

You have been breathing through your heart and I hope you were able to feel the infinite love within you. Continue to do so and you will feel the expansion happen without any effort. Let's take your breath work a little further today.

Sit with your back straight, your neck straight and your eyes gently closed. Place your palms in your lap with the right palm supporting the left palm and the thumbs gently touching each other. As you breathe in, breathe in through your nose and as you breathe out, breathe out through your lips. Don't try to control the breath, just let it flow with ease. Now, I want you to visualize and not just in your mind's eye, but "feel" the breath coming in though your heart as you're breathing in and as you're breathing out, feel it leaving through your heart. Continue to breathe through your heart and feel the continuous flow of energy passing through your heart. As you breathe in, breathe in with gratitude and as you breathe out, do so with gratitude. As you breathe in, think of someone you are grateful for and as you breathe out feel yourself sharing your gratitude with them with the breath out. As you continue to breathe, feel free to bring other people for whom you are grateful to mind and do the same with them in mind. If you feel like having more than 10 breaths today, please do so. As you finish, visualize those breaths for you and the beautiful being you are, with gratitude and with compassion. Feel the joy and ease that comes with allowing yourself to be grateful. Sit silently with your eyes closed once you're finished and allow the process to settle in every cell of your body and mind. There is no goal here. Just be.

Bring gratitude to it's rightful place in your heart and stand back and watch magic happen. Today find at least three moments in which to be grateful. If you think you have nothing to be grateful for, continue your search throughout your day until you find that moment. Don't stop there. Continue your search. It's not gratitude that matters most; it's the searching for it that makes the difference. It's a real shift in perspective when your heart and mind come together to go through the day searching and finding that for which to be grateful. Before you know it, it becomes your nature. Where the focus goes is where the energy goes. If the focus is on gratitude then that is where your mind and heart will go. Guide them.

Tonight I hope your heart will be so full that you will be taking your ten breaths with a sense of wholeness. Allow them to happen spontaneously and watch the difference that focus made on your life today. Breathing in gratitude means you are living in gratitude. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you have uncovered that place within your heart and mind where gratitude thrives.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste- the place of gratitude within me, is the same place of gratitude within you.

+ Day 30

We touched a little on being in the moment, and I can't let you go without guiding you through the process of living the moment. Our life is made of moments, literally. As you finished reading this sentence a moment has passed. How we choose to spend our moments, and more importantly, how we choose to be part of our moments makes all the difference in the meaning of our lives. Think about your thoughts in any given day. A large part of them are thoughts of what will happen or what did happen. Seldom are they completely related to what you are doing at any given moment with complete awareness.

At this moment in time you are safe and fed and probably sitting comfortably. Be grateful.

Before you begin your breaths today, I would like you to sit with your back straight, neck straight and hands in your lap with the right palm supporting the left palm and the thumbs gently touching each other. Take a few breaths with your own natural rhythm. Begin to focus on the ground below you, the space around you and where you are in relation to everything around you. Even though your eyes are closed, scan the room you are in and know where everything is. Be aware of how safe you are. Be aware that at this moment in time you have nothing to worry about. At this moment in time it is just you and your breath. Begin your ten breath process and as you breathe in, breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your lips. Then shift your focus to your heart and feel the breath flowing through your heart. As you are doing this, be aware of this moment in time. Be aware of the gift of this moment in time. Be aware that each breath is a moment of time which is precious and important in it's own right. Only be aware of "now". Only be aware of being alive and breathing and safe "now", in this moment in time. When you have finished your breaths, allow some time to sit in silence. Be grateful.

Enjoy your day...

Today, when you wash your hands focus on the moments you are spending washing your hands. Focus on how the soap feels on your skin; what the water temperature is and how it feels as it washes the soap off your skin. As you dry your hands be aware of how the towel feels and how your muscles feel holding the towel. Focus on every part of washing your hands. Be conscious of the present moment in washing your hands and all the movements and muscles it takes to do so. If you can do it with your eyes closed it will add extra depth to your experience. Do this every time you wash your hands today.

Tonight sit in the same way you did this morning. Bring your attention to "now", to the present moment and practice your ten breaths with full awareness of how your body feels with every breath. Experience how your heart feels as the energy flows through it and how your mind feels experiencing all your senses. Be grateful.

You have spent moments today being completely present in the "now." "Now" is all we have. Don't let it get away from you in the "what was" or "what might be". What's done is done and the past is gone. The future is yours to have and there is no use worrying about things which will most likely never happen. Focus on what you have "now", not what you don't have. Know that you are exactly where you need to be at this and at any given moment in time. Ease yourself to sleep in the knowledge that the present moment is yours and you are rich because of it. Be grateful for this moment in time.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste- the beauty of my moments is the same beauty your moments hold.

+ Day 31

Today is our last day. For those of you who were with me every day, I hope I did you justice. For those who popped in and out, I know that you popped in exactly when you needed it and I hope you received what you needed. I thank you all for being part of this journey.
Our lives are made up of moments. In order to truly live and appreciate this life, we need to be in those moments. Release the past without guilt, plan for the future with joy, and live the present moment with genuine presence and gratitude. Accept and let go of expecting. Release the 4 "C's"-comparison, complaint, control, and criticism, and instead embrace the big "C"-compassion. Do this for yourself and all those around you. Be grateful for you and who you are and live through that gratitude in a genuine state as you take "should" out of your vocabulary. And most of all, no matter what you do, do it from your heart.

Today, let's sit together as we have done once before.

Take your ten breaths in as peaceful and serene environment as you can. Then close your eyes and do the following meditation. First visualize yourself and say silently or out loud- May you be healthy and strong. May you have peace in your mind, body and heart. May you be loved and love with an open heart. May you have balance, harmony and ease in everything you do. May your light shine brightly.

Secondly, visualize a loved one and repeat those words or similar sentiments in your own words.

Thirdly visualize someone you don't know very well and do the same.

After that visualize someone you don't like and wish them well in the same way.

Lastly, visualize our planet and all of these people and the rest of the beings all over the world and either repeat the words or wish for us what you would like to see.
Fully invest yourself in this meditation. Then, sit quietly for a few minutes before you get up.

Enjoy your day...

Today reflect but don't regret. Every decision you have made has brought you to this moment in time. What we perceive as mistakes are lessons. Review your life in gratitude and move through today with awareness.

Tonight, take 1 breath in gratitude as you're easing yourself to sleep in the knowledge that you are finishing the journey to peace with awareness of this moment and breath and all moments to come.

Sweet dreams...

Namaste- the light of love which shines brightly in me, is the same loving bright light which shines in you.